IMPORTANT NOTICE regarding Aadhar Number, Membrship ID Card and ID Proof for Members and Non-members


It has been decided to incorporate Aadhar Number as mandatory for all members including the New Members with effect from 1st June 2017. It has also been decided to change the process/procedure in regard to issuing of Membership ID Cards and ID Proofs to be uploaded, details given under:

(1) For Members

Membership ID Card :

  1. Hard copy of ID card will not be issued for those Members who registers from 1st June 2017. Soft Copy will be made available to these members for download through their Edit Profile. 2 down loads will be free of cost.

  2. For members who have already registered before 1st June 2017, if required can apply for Duplicate ID Card after paying Rs.118/- including GST (Duplicate Icard charges Rs.100/- & GST Rs. 18/-) and Soft Copy of the ID Card will be made available for download through their Edit Profile. This facility will be available from 15th June 2017.

  3. Hard copy of ID card(original or duplicate) will not be sent to any members except the ID Cards issued to Members enrolled prior to 1st June 2017 which has been returned undelivered, with effect from 1st June 2017.

ID Proof :

  1. With effect from 1st June 2017 only Identity Card issued by the Employer will be accepted as ID Proof since as per the eligibility for membership, the applicant has to be an employee of the Institutional Member of the Institute. Existing members whose ID proof image has already been uploaded need not change the same.

  2. In case Employer ID card is not issued by the Employer / not available, he/she is required to upload a declaration duly certified/endorsed by the Br. Head/HOD of the bank as per the format Click Here.

Existing Members :

It is requested to update Aadhar Number by 31st August 2017 in the Profile by using the Login ID and Password, already provided to members. The facility for updation will be available from 1st June 2017. Members can access their Profile by visiting our web site and clicking on LOGIN available on top of the home page.

Existing members need not change their ID Proof already uploaded unless it is clear and not readable.

(2) For Non-Members

(Those candidates who are not members but registered for various Examinations under non-member category)

It has been decided to incorporate Aadhar Number as mandatory for all existing non-members including the Newly enrolled Non-Members with effect from 1st June 2017.

Existing Non-Members :

It is requested to update Aadhar Number by 31st August 2017 in the Profile by using the Login ID and Password, already provided at the time of Registration. The facility for updation will be available from 1st June 2017. Non-Members can access their Profile by visiting our web site and clicking on LOGIN available on top of the home page.

Existing non-members need not change their ID Proof already uploaded unless it is clear and not readable.

ID Proof :

With effect from 1st June 2017, any one of the following will only be accepted as ID proof when registering for examinations as Non-member:

  1. Passport
  2. Driving License
  3. PAN Card
  4. ID Card issued by the Employer

Since Voters Card and Aadhar Card is not having Signature / DOB the same will not be accepted as ID proof.

In case if you require the Profile Password, please email the request to respective PDCs/MSS Dept. of the Institute, Email ids are given under.

(Pl send the mail only to the Zonal Office pertaining to you and do not mark copy to any other Email ID) Zonal Office/PDC, Chennai Zonal Office/PDC, Delhi Zonal Office/PDC, Kolkata Zonal Office/MSS, Mumbai