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Bank Quest

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1 Bank Quest (April - June 2024 ) (1670 KB) (1462 KB) Articles
1. Enabling the Climate Transition in India - Mr. Sunil Mehta 2. India's Regulatory landscape - Status quo and Outlook - Mr. Sunil T. S. Nair 3. Enabling the Climate Transition in India - Mr. Madhav Nair 4. Risk Management in Banks - Beyond Regulations - Mr. Ambarisha Nanda 5. The Triumphant take-off for Social Stock Exchanges in India - Dr. Ashim Paul 6. बैंकों में साइबर जोखिम एव बचाव प्रबंधन - डॉ. साके त कुमार सहाय 7. Legal Decisions Affecting Bankers - Dr. Kratika Shrivastava
2 Bank Quest (January - March 2024) (1670 KB) (1462 KB) Articles
1. The Role of Regulation in Economic Development - Dr V Anantha Nageswaran 2. Algorithmic Brilliance Unveiling the Power of AI in Credit Evaluation - Dr Sachin Sharma and Mukesh Ahuja 3. Effective use of Emerging technologies for Leveraging credit appraisal in Indian Banking System - Dr Kalpana Kataria and Dr. Abhishek Kumar Singh 4. Transferable Letters of Credit as catalysts for Working Capital Optimisation, Cost Efficiency and Enhanced Competitiveness for SME Businesses - Paritkumar Badodaria and Dr. Bhavin Pandya 5. पर्यावरण को बचा कर रखने में बैंकिंग क्षेत्र की भमिूका - विजय प्रकाश श्रीवास्तव 6. Legal Decisions Affecting Bankers - Prakhar Galaw 7. Summary of Macro-Research Report (2021-2022) 8. Book Review
3 Bank Quest (October - December 2023) (1770 KB) (1596 KB) Articles
1. Demystifying Sustainable Finance and Climate Risks for Indian Banks - Namita Vikas 2. Synergizing Blue Finance and Ocean Governance A pathway to a Thriving Blue Economy for India - J. Sneha Jayalakshmi and Dr. M Sumathy strategy for Indian Banks - Dr Vigneswara Swamy 3. Role and Relevance of Account Aggregators in the Digital ecosystem - P R V Rama Karthik 4. Deepening of the Government Bond Market - Subhash Karmakar 5. भारत को सशक्त करता डिजिटल लेनदेन - डॉ. संजय कुमार 6. आधारभूत संरचना के विकास की चुनौती - संजय मधकुर नाफडे
4 Bank Quest (July - September 2023) (4,613 KB) (4,330 KB) Articles
1. President's Message - Mr. Dinesh Kumar Khara 2. Adapting to Digital Disruption A digital transformation strategy for Indian Banks - Dr Vigneswara Swamy 3. NeoBanks Future Prospects, Challenges and Strategies - Jigmit Stobdan and Dr. Sunil Kumar 4. डिजिटल ऋण प्रणाली अवसर एवं चुनौतियां - नौशाबा हसन 5. Digital Disruptions in the Indian Banking Sector - Opportunities and Challenges - Dr Lakshmi Prasad Padhy 6. Green Bonds - Role And Scope In India’s Financial And Fiscal Landscape - Dr Satyendra Kumar and C.A. Lalit Kundalia 7. Summary of Strategic Report (2022-23) - Jitin Boolchandani
5 Bank Quest (April - June 2023) (885 KB) (792 KB) Articles
1. Role of IFSC in India’s globalization - Injeti Srinivas 2. Demystifying Assessment Centre and its significance for Indian banks - Dr. Sharad Kumar 3. An Analytical Study of Employee Productivity of Banks in India - Dr. Kratika Shrivastava 4. Green Deposits A key instrument in India’s journey towards Net Zero - Sandeep Bhattacharyay 5. Unclaimed deposits in Scheduled Commercial Banks Exploring the rising trend - S Abinaya and Dr. K Alamelu 6. भारतीय रुपये का अतंरराष्ट्रीयकरण और रुपये में इनव़ॉइस का प्रभाव - डॉ. बिबेकानंद पांडा & हीरालाल करनावट 7. डिजिटल इंडिया में डिजिटल रुपया से कै शलेस अर्थव्यवस्था का सदृढ़ संचालन - डॉ. अमित अग्रवाल
6 Bank Quest (January-March 2023) (3199 KB) (3067 KB) Articles
1. IIBF organised Banking Conclave on Responsible Banking in partnership with UNEP-FI 2. Role of Indian Banking System in Financial Planning and Wealth Management - Sarvesh Mohania & Girish Mainrai 3. भारत में वित्तीय आयोजना की संस्कृति का विस्तार - कुछ पहलू - विजय प्रकाश श्रीवास्तव 4. Micro and Small Entrepreneurs’ adoption behaviour towards Digital Technologies A cross- sectional study 5. Digital Lending Futuristic model of Lending - Dr. Dinesh Kumar & Subah Singh Yadav 6. ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में बैंकिंग सेवाओं का विपणन और भारतीय भाषाओं की भमिूका - संजय कुमार 7. Legal Decisions Affecting Bankers - Prakhar Galaw 8. Welcome back to office - Ranjita Sharan Singh 9. Book Review 10. Summary of Macro Research Report