Continuing Professional Development (CPD) - As Tool for Career Management

Dear Members,

Continuing Professional Development [CPD] demonstrates continuous learning allowing you to take control of your career and provides valuable evidence of commitment to learning and self- development.

By taking control of your own development you can respond to your employers' and customers' expectations while shaping your career in an increasingly competitive industry.


The banking in India, as the world over, is undergoing rapid transformation. The business of banking is not only expanding its frontiers, both physical and functional, but also increasingly becoming sophisticated. The business process are getting highly computerised with customer preferences and convenience dominating the drive besides the competitive forces.

The decision-making skills with the perceptive approach of Risk Management in all the business decisions is adding a new dimension to the managerial competence.

In this scenario, the only way the functionaries of banks can keep pace with the change and make contribution to the growth of sound banking business is to be professionally knowledgeable.

Importance of CPD

Nowadays, the concept of job for life is slowly vanishing. Bank employees today are expected to move between roles throughout their career and therefore they need to be flexible. This is where CPD is essential. Those who are constantly developing and therefore improving are of most value to their employer, customers and to themselves.

The employers expect their workforce to be competent, flexible and increasingly productive, with a high quality of work produced. The customers expect high standards of service from the employees. In this context, it will be appropriate to expect that the employees take control of their own development so that they are able to respond to their employer's and customers' expectations while shaping their own career in an increasingly competitive industry.

Staff reductions, limited opportunities for progression and competition are all compelling reasons for one to take control of the career. CPD helps to gain the skills that are needed in the days ahead.

The Institute's Initiative

Recognising this need of the bankers, the Indian Institute of Banking & Finance, like many other initiatives in the competence building exercise of bankers, has come up with a certification process in the area of Continuing Professional Development.

The bank employees may be acquiring a great deal of knowledge and experience on their own through training/seminars/workshops sponsored by the banks both within and outside the banks, even though they might not have necessarily undergone a formal qualification from a University or Professional Institute. The efforts of the bankers often go unnoticed and their professional competence building efforts go unrecognised.

The Institute believes that all the efforts on the part of the employee towards his competence building and professional up gradation need to be recognised and suitably documented.

CPD Certification

The Institute has therefore, introduced a system of certification, which recognises the efforts of bankers who are endeavouring to build their professional development. The Continuing Professional Development Certificate is aimed at enhancing the professional competence through a formal, structural and verifiable training program. The Institute provides opportunities to help manage the career of bankers in a variety of ways. Whether a banker is looking for a change or re-focus on the job or career, or simply assess the marketability in the current job market, the CPD Certificate would be a passport for such growth.

The CPD program is designed to impart benefits to its members. It provides a framework for professional and personal development of members. It is designed to suit the members' individual situation and allows one to structure one's developmental activities according to their current and future career needs.

What is the role of IIBF in CPD activities?

The Institute has been offering a range of continuing professional development programs for the Banking and Finance professionals over the years as under: -

  • Publication of Quarterly Journal- Bank Quest

  • Publication of Bi-monthly News Bulletin- IIBF Vision

  • Holding of Seminars

  • Holding of National Level Seminars

  • Publication of books on Banking

  • Holding of Special Lectures by foreign experts visiting India

  • Holding of Sir Purshotamdas Thakurdas Memorial Lecture and Shri R.K. Talwar Memorial Lecture by an eminent persons annually

  • Facility for research under Diamond Jubilee and CH Bhabha Research Fellowship (DJCHBRF) scheme.

  • Information Portal on our website:

The members associating with various academic activities of the Institute have benefited professionally in terms of upgrading their knowledge. But so far, there has been no formal scheme of recognition of all such knowledge acquired by the members. It is therefore; felt that a scheme should be evolved wherein the individuals making serious efforts to upgrade competence should be given appropriate recognition.

What is this new Scheme called CPD?

CPD is the systematic up gradation of knowledge and skills and the development of personal qualities necessary to the execution of professional managerial and technical duties throughout a member's working career.

What counts as CPD activity?

The categories of CPD activities furnished below give an indication of the broad range of learning opportunities which a member can count as CPD.

  1. Training

  2. Post employment studies (relevant to banking & finance)

  3. Certificate Courses offered by IIBF

  4. Seminars and Workshops

  5. Self Directed learning activities on banking & finance

What are the benefits to the employees?

Maintain and develop skills and knowledge

  • Enhance competence

  • Better career prospects

  • Greater job satisfaction

  • Improve performance

  • Contribute to your banks success

  • Maintain customer confidence

What are the benefits to the Banks?
  1. Improved productivity

  2. Maintain customer confidence

  3. Better organisational efficiency

What is the Methodology?

The members have to secure a total of 15 credits from the approved programs /activities sponsored by the IIBF during the period of 24 months after registration. The registered members would be given a score card (annexure 1) and a CPD file containing information on the programs and the ways in which they can plan personal and professional development.

With regard to methodology for award of CPD certification, it would be sufficient if the stipulated credit is obtained from one or more activities such as workshops/seminars, etc.

At the completion of 24 month period, the member has to forward the Score Sheet supported by evidences, to the Institute (email for its consideration / assessment and the successful members are awarded a certificate on CPD. Members are encouraged to take the course year after year which will indicate their competence up gradation efforts. They could show these certificates to their own banks or elsewhere to show their professional competence and the steps taken by them to keep ahead.

What are the activities considered for Certificates?

The broad range of CPD activities could be as under;

Group I Any of the institute's Exams

Associate Exams

5 credits each

Diplomas of IIBF

5 credits

MBA [Banking & Finance]- IGNOU

5 credits


5 credits

Blended Courses

5 credits

Group II [Seminars of one or more days]

[2 credits for 1 seminar] (2 x 2)

4 credits (Max.)

Lectures of not less than three hours
[2 credits for 1 lecture] (3 x 2)
(Seminars/Lectures organized by agencies approved by IIBF)
*(One page writeup on the Seminar details / out come / learning points to be enclosed for verification)

6 credits (Max.)

Group III Finance Quotient (FQ) Online Test (2 x 2)

4 credits (Max.)

Certificate Examinations of IIBF
(Conducted through IIBF website:

2 credits (each)

Group IV Publication of articles (in any well Known publication)

5 credits

Accepted Research papers (Universities/Institutes of repute)

5 credits

Activities that are not considered for certificate
  1. In-house training activities

  2. Degree/Diplomas of University not relating to Banking & Finance

  3. Seminar/Workshops not relating to Banking & Finance

How much will CPD cost?

Continuing Professional Development is a service to members and the cost of registration is Rs.1,180/- [Rs.1,000/- + Rs.180/- GST @ 18% (except Jammu & Kashmir).]

T-Particulars Maharashtra Delhi Tamil Nadu West Bengal
GST Provisional ID 27AAATT3309D1ZS 07AAATT3309D1ZU 33AAATT3309D1ZZ 19AAATT3309D1ZP
Who is eligible to Register?

The CPD program is open to current members of the Institute, regardless of previous qualifications.